Sunday, October 4, 2015

just another post

OKAY i know i'm supposed to do drama reviews here but i'm just sooooo goddamn lazy. I can't stand myself sometimes too. I can just slug on the bed for 15 hours straight, excluding my multiple toilet and water breaks. Then i get up with a well deserved ache in my head for sleeping too much. God.

Soooo.. whats going on. Well nothing much. My boyfriend just left me, without an explanation. I am so confused and just so upset at the same time, to how he could actually do this to me. But forget this, i think i'm more disappointed by the fact that my bff is completely Missing-In-Action. I mean i have told a couple of close friends about my current predicament, and they have all insisted and made me go out with them in an attempt to make sure i feel better. Like seriously, i feel so irritated that shes just never there for me, and we are not including times through texting right? Or maybe i should really be giving her more credit here since her exams are round the corner.

On the upside, fortunately for me, my family is ever loving and my elder sisters have been extremely supportive and comforting. I am seriously blessed to have such loving siblings. Dawnie made me risotto when i stayed over at her house the other day teeheees. Oh should i upload the recipe? Its so much easier then i thought, just extremely time consuming and tiring, due to the stirring.

Here are some pictures of us, recently when we traveled to the States like 2 months back.

The first picture is of me in yosemeite national park,
And the third is of, yes the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

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