Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sorry for the no-updates guys, i really am someone that is soooo terrible at multi tasking! Its my exam periods, so i'm like forever stuck in revision classes or under my pile of never ending books. Hmph. Well but i do go out too hehehehehs.

Sadly I have a lover episode 22 has been delayed due to the live broadcast baseball game which exceeded their time slot. ARGHHHH. seriously and episode 21 ended with this well built up climax point.
I'm so sick of watching Seol Ri scenes though, shes forever complaining, whining? I mean really... can they give her better scenes here?
Alrighty! Nuf said.

So unfortunately i havent been able to watch any other dramas, not that any of the new ones are very tempting. But if there are any good movies or dramas! I'll update you guys.

Monday, October 26, 2015

I have a lover reviews!

I have been watching up to episode 18 at the moment. 
This drama is being subbed the SLOWEST, i think because its not really popular, which is so unfortunate because the story line is meaningful and realistic however i do admit the pace needs to be sped up a notch. But i love it.. well but whenever i see the evil ones plotting .. i will just skip till i get to the main leads scenes. And they plot kind of a lot... 
Its captures a really matured scene.. completely different from "Twenty again" though. In the sense that.. i feel like the female lead in "twenty again" needs a lot of saving.. (shes gullible, native, does whatever people wants her to do, tries to save everyone but herself... yada yada), i'm not criticizing the drama, i'm just pointing out the differences. 
However in "I have a lover", the female lead has a strong character and does not need any saving while finding her lost identify and doesn't do what the "mistress" tells her to do, she doesnt defend her feelings either. Its just really matured and unique. 
Like for once i'm not seeing a drama.. where the female lead tries to give up the guy.. so the guy can be with the other girl. Cause whenever i see this scene.. my eyes just roll back and .. stay there. HAHAHAS THATS SCARY just joking please dont imagine me doing that.. even i feel scared. 

Okay SPOILERS ahead!!
Actually i dont really get it. Someone please give me a logical explanation PLEASE. So basically he left his wife initially because he found her too cold hearted, and got together with another young pretty girl. Then after 4 years.. they coincidentally met, she lost her memories and he STILL LOVES HER?! erm.... and then ditches that young pretty girl for.. his wife. Like i mean this is kind of the gist of it up to episode 18/50, excluding the mistaken identity of her twin sister and how his step sister and her husband thought they killed his wife though they didnt.. and everyone thinks his wife is dead but she isnt... and YEA I CAN GO ON.  Not to mention, how clueless is he.. on so many levels. 
CRAP doesnt seem like i'm promoting how great the drama is here right...
I think its the first time in drama history.. that the cheating husband is still the "good guy".

In real life shes like 38 years old. WTF really.. She looks 28..  or maybe its just the top picture HAHAS. And hes 44 years old... what are these people on. SK 99?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

I really do need better posts i totally agree. And until then, its about ME hahaahahs. 

Although i dont want to go into detail about my life, because i'm a seriously personal person and i hate like broadcasting to the world details about myself... so why this blog right?! ... ERM i dont know too. Gosh whats up with me really. I'm totally contradicting myself. Though i guess my main point here is, please dont expect anything personal or even details. 

I feel rather happy lately, mainly attributable to my dog and well a certain someone. Unfortunately hes not well and i have been reading up about his condition in order to sleave out information that i could potentially use to support him in this but.. i find all the information so vague and utterly beyond useless. I wish i could do more.. which i'm still trying to figure out atm.
Also i'm on this diet.. because my brother in law says i'm fat, and those words are just continuously repeating in my brains. Hmph. I'm so upset. How could he. I love food so much. 

Lol the irony of the picture after this post, is just suitable. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Credible news sites!

1. Singapore news:,,
2. Asia news:,
3. Worldwide:, personally find this new site very interesting)

Alrighty!! So obviously between the sites provided there are nuances, but i'm not going to get into that. Otherwise i think i'll bore you guys to death out there.

Lets see.. i'm thinking of what to post that could potentially be longer and not that boring. Make up posts are sooo not my specialty so that's OUT. To be honest here, i rather detest the Dolly-ish look, its just not my style. (The colored contact lens, fake eyelash.....over the top accessories) I really love that korean-make up free look. TOO BAD for me cause when i try to pull that off i look ughh.

Oh yea and i'm seriously addicted to this card-game app called Hearthstone: (Developed by Blizzard Entertainment, korean company)
So they have different heros with special abilities, and cards dedicated to the heros respectively and neutral cards as well. Anyway, do give it a try if you are bored on the train, for all those card-game lovers!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Celebrity GOSSIP sites! And "For love or Money" 2014- China Movie

This is for all the bored commuters on the train, with nothing better to do. Like me!!!! Or well i could introduce a few highly reliable/credible Singapore/Worldwide news sites/apps too, but i'l leave that for the next post.

1. Korea trash gossip-,
2. Hollywood gossip-, just type "omg yahoo" in google.
3.Singapore- STOMP! hahahs
So yes i realize i dont have that many trashy sites hehhes.

but honestly the first 2 episodes have been..... definitely exciting dont get me wrong but.. i'm getting rather sick of the same thing happening over and over and over again (for example: the human moral value dilemma, should i kill or not kill a human?.. MY ANSWER: JUST KILL!!!) I'm not trying to be inhuman but obviously if i'm in such dire circumstances i would have a heart made of stone. Like i can almost predict stuff by now. It used to be so unpredictable.

Staring: RAIN AND LIU YIFEI (With eng subs)
which i sadly only watched a few days ago, kudos to an awesome recommendation by a friend.

So i'm sure you can read the synopsis online and stuff. Spoilers below!!!! HEHEHEHEHS

What i'm trying to add here is that, the movie is different from the book, in the sense that the movie receives a good ending while the book received a bad one (in which the female lead died). Well i havent read the book myself, i'm still contemplating since my chinese is.... embarrassingly poor!

Honestly if i were the guy, even if she bought the painting (which i admit signifies how much she loves him over money), but to think she was lying all along would be just kind of terrifying. Like how come she cant just tell him the truth mid-way when she felt she was falling in love with him, and ditch the money and his mom at the same time. Also isnt it so weird he doesnt ask/interrogate her on how she actually managed to buy the ring and paintings back.... ANYWAYS i think i shed like a bucket worth of tears during and after the show.. its just so bloody sad.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


I really need ideas on what to post here. So this is just regarding a random post on friends..

Many of my friends unfortunately do not last.. and i really wish that wasnt the case. But that said, i had this huge fight about 9 months ago with my best guy friend from RP and amazingly he called me the other night at midnight, in tears apologizing and automatically i just started crying too. Even though the fight was gi-normous, i think it definitely takes so much for him to do that and not just let the friendship vanish. I mean i definitely wouldn't have the courage to do something like that, so lucky for me, he took the initiative. I am really glad he called because, looking back, he has done so much for me and i feel terrible i havent done the same for him.

There are like so many friends that i think i owe an apology to,, though i still attribute the fault to both sides.

Soooo hahas introducing my bestiesss here... which i seriously love. Sadly joanie is missing from the pictures below. AND well Ruth (the first picture) is in Australia studying and Joel is in Glasglow studying as well.. so i'm down by 2 buddies at the moment, SADLY. Wenyan (the girl in the second picture), is sooo sweet because shes always asking me out and thank god i have her otherwise i'll probably rot from boredom.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I spit on your grave

Nothings happening these days. I have been super busy studying all the time and you will be seriously amazed cause studying is fucking tiring. No joke.
To destress, i'll usually find a movie to watch. And good movies are dead rare these days. Chances of finding one is practically REMOTE. So i prefer horror/ thrillers/ fantasy or just plain gore-ish movies, though after i'll run to my pooch for comfort and stay in the light.

So i chose "I spit on your grave 3", which i thought would be similar to "I spit on your grave 1", which i quite liked in the sense that the revenge was just so realistic and surreal, and no offense there but i'm a huge believer in revenge for those that really deserve it. Yea i can really hold a grudge sometimes. BUT back to "I spit on your grave 3", its so disappointing, there's no storyline. Its seriously the epitome of meaningless and worst still boring.


whats with killing everyone and going psycho in the end, i thought it would be more meaningful if she actually found out the exact cause of her BFF's death, instead of assuming it was her BFF's ex-boyfriend, which i may add, till the end of the movie, we are STILL unclear of, talk about loose ends. Or did i miss some important dialogue. Cause i definitely multi tasked during the movie.

And nowww, i'm watching "The Gift"
This time i actually bothered to read some reviews before proceeding on. Well the reviews i got are "Twisted goodness", "Never a dull moment", "Every frame grips you", "Makes you cringe".. yada yada yada.. So i'm expected lots.

Here's a picture of my too cute puppy boyyyyyyy.Heheheehehes

Monday, October 5, 2015

What to do in a breakup?

1. Exercise 
2. Binge. Ice cream, dessert, bread and soup makes me happyyy. 
3. LEECH onto your friends and family
4. Study your hardest. Or work a lot.
5. Dress up well, and stuff your face with powder, because if you look good, you will feel good too. 
6. Go clubbing or 
All in all just make yourself sooooo busy you dont even think about it and before long you actually stop giving a shit. Its a 100% foolproof strategy, effective in per say 3 months. Well atleast for me.

What not to do?
 1. DO NOT EVER TALK TO THAT SHIT AGAIN. I swear to god thats the most terrible mistake. Because then you are opening yourself up for round 2. 
Ps i hope i dont sound extra childish. Im just trying to minimize the pain for everyone here. 
2. Dont stalk him either. This is bound to be hard but delete him off all social media platforms so you dont get reminders on your past. 
3. Tell your friends not to mention anything related to him, till you are officially over that shit. 
4. Do not keep anything associated with him. Obviously keeping them will just make you cry again. 

I really wanted to avoid ranting to the world on how upset i am but i can't. I'm just so pissed off that he left me with zero explanations. I would actually PAY for him to just give me a goddamn explanation of some sort, on what went wrong. Of course i could just ask him for one, but my pride wont allow it. I will make myself feel indifferent with time but its so hard, since i really did care and love him. 
Hahahs so i'm hoping none of my friends find this blog otherwise i think i'll die of embarrassment, and in a haste delete this entire blog.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

just another post

OKAY i know i'm supposed to do drama reviews here but i'm just sooooo goddamn lazy. I can't stand myself sometimes too. I can just slug on the bed for 15 hours straight, excluding my multiple toilet and water breaks. Then i get up with a well deserved ache in my head for sleeping too much. God.

Soooo.. whats going on. Well nothing much. My boyfriend just left me, without an explanation. I am so confused and just so upset at the same time, to how he could actually do this to me. But forget this, i think i'm more disappointed by the fact that my bff is completely Missing-In-Action. I mean i have told a couple of close friends about my current predicament, and they have all insisted and made me go out with them in an attempt to make sure i feel better. Like seriously, i feel so irritated that shes just never there for me, and we are not including times through texting right? Or maybe i should really be giving her more credit here since her exams are round the corner.

On the upside, fortunately for me, my family is ever loving and my elder sisters have been extremely supportive and comforting. I am seriously blessed to have such loving siblings. Dawnie made me risotto when i stayed over at her house the other day teeheees. Oh should i upload the recipe? Its so much easier then i thought, just extremely time consuming and tiring, due to the stirring.

Here are some pictures of us, recently when we traveled to the States like 2 months back.

The first picture is of me in yosemeite national park,
And the third is of, yes the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Things to do when you are bored in Singapore

I dont actually think this post is relevant to many fellow singaporeans here, but let me do this anyway:

1: Watch dramas:
Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese dramas:,,,

Chinese dramas: Viki.com

And let me just digress a little here. Im so upset that theres nothing exciting to watch these days. All the recent dramas are making me yawn or rage (when the story line gets so ridiculous or when there are huge flaws in the story), and i have zero tolerance for slow moving dramas. I think i need a class on patience.

2. Groom your dog or cat
Personally, i am a huge animal fan. So i can spend like hours combing my dogs fur while he tries to snap at me. Hes such a spoilt little shit sometimes. 

3. Sign up for some activity on the activesg program
I really do find this program extremely worthwhile and value for money. Well and most importantly the range of programs available in here are huge and there will definitely be something you be interested in. Not to mention, it covers like all areas in Singapore. 

4. Download games or apps
I'm hooked onto this app called "webtoon". I am aware that many people think comics are lame and a waste of time, But hey this really entertains me when i'm rotting on the train. And their horror comics are TO DIE FOR. The images move and theres this sound and BOOM the phone vibrates. Its seriously quite exciting and freaky at the same time. Or maybe i get excited too easily?

Alrighty, so i'm so bored and i have decided to start a blog on my mundane life and oh yes on drama reviews since i'm such a huge drama addict. I think i have watched practically all the Hong Kong, Korean, China and American dramas there is. Yes i seriously need a life, other than watching dramas and studying and obsessing over my pooch. Hes too cute!! Ahh i seriously dont think i can ever get enough of him. He smells like love.